The Reservoir Monitoring Consortium (RMC) annual review meeting will be on December 8, 2015 at Ronald Tutor Hall at the University of Southern California (USC). The organizations represented at the meeting include speakers from USC as well as external speakers. Arne Graue (University of Bergen, Norway), Kelly Rose (NETL), Hazza Otaibi (Aramco), Gerhard Thonhauser (University of Leoben, Austria), Michael Prohaska (University of Leoben, Austria), Thomas Goebel (University of California, Santa Cruz), Andres Chavarria (Optasense), Bill Barkhouse (SEG), Leon Thomsen (Delta Geophysics), and Graham Brew (Dynamic Graphics) are the external speakers who will be conducting presentations at the RMC meet. From USC Dr. Fred Aminzadeh (Managing Director, Global Energy Network), Dr. Iraj Ershaghi (Director, USC Petroleum Engineering Department), Dr. Yesser Haj Nasser, Ahmed Bubshait (Aramco-USC), Arman K. Nejad (USC – FracGeo) and Mehran Hosseini will be speaking at the meeting.